(HSI) Health Systems Initiative Seminar: Data-Driven Design: Rethinking Buildings' Role in Healthcare Delivery
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
A growing body of evidence demonstrates that healthcare facilities play critical roles in driving the patient experience, operational efficiencies, and patient health outcomes. Although data-driven approaches are prevalent in healthcare, a lack of architectural data has resulted in these crucial assets being overlooked as tools for health system improvement. In this lunch seminar, MIT alumni and co-founders of Spatio Metrics will discuss how their startup is leveraging data science and machine learning to enable a data-driven approach to building design and management. 
Sonal Singh is co-founder and CEO of Spatio Metrics.
Jim Peraino, RA, EDAC is co-founder and CTO of Spatio Metrics.
Join us - https://mit.zoom.us/j/93963234492?pwd=UEozbi93WHBDeTBPYW1ZeU5Dd2VTZz09
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